Core Settings

There are lots of settings you can choose in order to customize the B2Bsellers Suite to fit your needs. In this tutorial, we’ll be explaining all settings available inside the core settings, and how they work / behave.

Accessing the Core settings

Head over to your administration.

From inside the B2B settings, choose Core settings.

General Shop Settings

As a note, if we’re using “True” in this tutorial, this means that the setting is flipped on:

Likewise, “False” means that the setting is flipped off.

Shop access is only possible when logged in

True: will make it so customers have to log in first before they can see any page.

Show navigation only when logged in

True: Navigation bar is not visible to customers if they are not logged in.

Redirect destination for closed shops when not logged in

You can, in addition to the shopwre standard setting (“Shopware standard login/registration”) choose the B2Bsellers login page, which looks like this:

Pages visible before login

In some cases, you want customers to see certain pages even if the shop requires login. In this setting, you can choose which content they will still be able to browse. The list provides all options existing in Shopware’s Shopping Experiences.

You can choose one or multiple.

Controller/Routes reachable before login

This setting defines which routes and controllers can be reached without needing to be logged in. This can be handy for third-party plugin controllers to whitelist access.

Formatting example:

Shopware 6.4:


Shopware 6.5+:

#[Route(path: '%path%', name: '%name%')]

Routes names should be entered one per line.

Login page image

You can select an image that will be shown on the B2Bsellers login page as a background on the left. If none is specified, random images will be shown instead.

We recommend a square image for this placement.

Enable customer specific caching

True: We're adding the CustomerId and the tax state to the cache keys. This is affecting the following routes:

CategoryRoute, ProductDetailRoute, ProductSuggestRoute, ProductListingRoute, ProductSearchRoute and CrossSellingRoute.

Store geolocation information in the customer context

True: Data, such as city and region, are stored alongside customer data in order to add them to the user session handling, which helps the customer to identify uncommon activity in their account.

Document archive

The document archive is displayed in the store operator's portal via the "Documents" tab. This allows for archiving invoices, and other relevant documents.

Relative path from server root

Enter the relative path to the store's document archive on your server. The root is refering to “/”, not to the “www” folder.

Note: Make sure that the server root is outside the "www". If the path is available via "https://", protected data can be accessed. This should be avoided under all circumstances.

File name schema

The file name schema determines how files are stored in the folder you selected. You can use plain text, as well as the following variables:

  • {customerNumber} → Number of the associated customer.

  • {type} → E.g. invoice, offer, credit

  • {year} → Year the document refers to

  • {documentNumber} → Overall document number

  • * → Wildcard character. Use this if your file format includes things that are not a varaible we provide.

By default, we are providing {customerNumber}_{type}_{year}_{documentNumber} as a template, which turns into e.g. 10002_invoice_2021_18749.pdf


Hide product prices without login

True: Hides prices and requires login in order to view product prices. Also prevents guests from buying products.



Disable functionality to add line items to shopping card when not logged in

True: Customers are prompted to log in before they can add products to their shopping cart. Prevents guest purchases.

Show button to switch to list view on product listing page (Only when logged in)

True: A button is added next to the pagination on product listing pages if you are logged in. The button allows you to switch to grid (default look) or to list (condensed look, left image).


False / Logged Out

You have to allow the functional cookie "useB2bList" in order for the setting to work consistently.

Only show follow-up articles if sales are activated?

True: If clearance sale is activated, and the product has any follow up items defined, this will be shown on PDP additionally.

Show product comments globally

True: If enabled, comment field for the article will be shown by default on all products, regardless of their individual setting.

Enable time restriction for customer specific prices.

True: If enabled, you can define e.g. seasonal prices for specific products under


Show note field

True: A comment field is issued in the checkout and is transferred to the order.

This field will be displayed in the last order step and the text stored there applies to the entire order.

This comment is stored in the order, under Details > B2B Order > “Note”.

You can find the setting for comment fields per order position under Categories > Products > The desired product > B2B Specifications > B2B Product > Show comment

Show commission field

True: A commission field is issued in the checkout and is transferred to the order.

This field will be displayed at the last order step and the text stored there will be valid for the entire order.

This comment is stored in the order, under Details > B2B Order > “Commission”.

Show checkout clear button

True: Adds an extra button during checkout that allows to empty the entire shopping cart.

Enable order confirmation mail recipient selection

True: Adds a box that allows you to select email addresses that receive the order confirmation via checkbox selection.

The default value of Shopware is the email address of the customer.

The entries in the list are taken from the list of employees associated with the current customer.

E-mail recipients of the order confirmation

This setting determines who is shown in the list of email addresses eligible for receiving an order confirmation.

  • Customer E-Mail

    • The email of the customer.

  • Employee E-Mail

    • All employees existing in the current customer / company.

  • Administrator E-Mail

    • All employees existing in the current customer / company who are listed as administrators.

Enable Express Checkout

True: Adds an additional button to the shopping cart flyout menu and shopping cart page. By clicking, you are able to quickly place an order via a single popup window, skipping several screens of confirmations, using a single form instead.

After activation, you need to whitelist all payment methods that shall be available for express checkout. To do that, please see the shopware standard settings (Admin > SW Settings > Payment methods > Edit details), where a new option is appended.

Depending on other options you might have enabled or disabled, you will see additional fields such as “Note” or “Commission text”.

You can quickly adjust the billing address and shopping address, select your payment method as well as your shipping method.

Further down, you can choose a cost center, see the costs and have the option to request clearance, and finally to submit the order.

Fallback payment method for Express-Checkout

You can select one of your payment methods available in shopware as a standard fallback from the dropdown. That one will be used if the customer has not selected a payment method.

Enable permanent shopping cart

Always True. This setting allows us to store shopping carts beyond a single session, allowing the customer to retain their items throughout multiple sessions, devices and visits.

Behavior of the permanent shopping cart

You have three types of behaviours you can choose from that affect how the permanent shopping cart behaves.

  • Employee and customer bound

    • For each customer, each employee has their own shopping cart that is not affected by their team colleagues.

  • Employee bound with price recalculation

    • One employee has the same shopping cart across all customers, but the prices are tailored to the respective company.

  • Customer bound

    • For each customer, e.g. Ektek GmbH, all employees share the same shopping cart.

Enable Consumer View

True: Adds an icon that allows toggling prices on or off, for presentation purposes.

The new icon is found near the account menu:

Prices will be shown

Prices will be hidden

Registration process

Register new customer directly as B2B customer

True: Customers are automatically declared as b2b customers upon registration in the storefront.

Of note:

  • If request form is active, this has no functionality.

  • Initial admin creation can be automatic or manual. This can be set later.

This field expects integers (plain numbers), such as 30. After the specified number of days, the invitation link will no longer work when clicked.

Registration request by e-mail

Registration request form instead of registration

True: If activated, an inquiry form is displayed in the storefront instead of an actual registration form. Direct registration of the customer in the store is not possible. The store operator must register the customer in the system.

This setting is recommended for store operators who create all customers in the merchandise management system first and then transfer them from there to the store system. The registration request will be sent simply by e-mail to the store operator's e-mail address.

Trade confirmation in the registration

True: When activated, there will be a possibility to upload a business confirmation in the registration process. This setting is only possible if the request form is available. It is not possible in case of actual registration, because we do not save the business confirmation in the customer account.

Create initial admin employee

Automatic creation of the first admin employee at customer creation

False: If not enabled, during the registration of a new company, the user will be prompted to create a new admin employee after signing up that gets associated with the company. This request form will be shown:

True: If enabled, during the registration of a new company, the address data entered during registration (email, full name) will be used to create the first admin employee automatically. No additional form will be shown.

Send welcome e-mail on customer creation via API

True: Sends a welcome email for initial employee creation when creating a new customer via the API for all employees created.

False: No automatic email will be sent for employees created via API.

Send welcome e-mail when creating via API only if corresponding flag exists

True: The call is checked for a parameter which determines whether an employee created via API will receive a welcome mail. Only works if sending mails upon customer creation via API is enabled.

"_sendWelcomeMail" needs to be present in the post request in order to send an email.


Customer navigation

By default, your setting will be "Customer Menu", found in /admin#/b2b/platform_menu.

The standard setting will show all menu items under "Customer Menu" that are marked as active.

If you change this setting to another value that is being represented by a folder in the platform menu, it will be using this as a starting point and only show items that are categorized within this folder as the menu bar.

Customers will only be able to access items listed in the selected folder. Accessing other elements, even by URL, will not be possible and render a "403 Permission denied" error instead.

Selecting "Products" will make the navigation bar look like this:

Items are taken from here:

Sales agent navigation

This dropdown functions exactly like the settings for "Customer navigation", except it will be applied to sales agents only.

Output orders from all assigned customers

True: Allows the employee to see all their associated customer’s orders, regardless which customer they are logged into currently.

Cockpit Widgets on the dashboard

If enabled, the widgets present in the cockpit menu will be shown on the dashboard page, either above or below the content of the shopping experience.

  • Don't show cockpit widgets

  • Show cockpit widgets aboce the shopping experience

  • Show cockpit widgets under the shopping experience

Target page after login

This defines the standard target where b2b customers are first redirected to after login and upon clicking the shop logo. You can choose any option that is present in your B2B Platform configuration.

Employees can adjust this preference individually for their account later.

Target page after login into employee as sales representative

This defines the standard target where b2b customers are first redirected to after a sales representative has logged in with their account and upon clicking the shop logo. You can any option that is present in your B2B Platform configuration.

Sales reps can adjust this preference individually for their account later.

Shopping Experiences

Customer-Dashboard Shopping Experiences

In this dropdown you can choose which shopping experience is shown to b2b customers on the dashboard / the url /b2b_platform.

Sales-Representative-Dashboard Shopping Experiences

In this dropdown you can choose which shopping experience is shown to sales representatives on the dashboard / the url /b2b_platform.

Fallback Contact Person

Each option, except for the fallback profile picture, is a free text field that is used to customize the left side of the customer menu that opens once you click the avatar icon. → als niedrige prio bug aufnehmen (ggf template bug)

Shop view

Admin view

Passwordless Login

Validity (Minutes)

This field expects integer values (plain numbers, no comma). Enter how many minutes a passwordless login should remain valid before the link no longer works.

Customer Activity

Track customer activity

True: Additional data is being collected, that can be viewed by sales representatives at /b2b_platform/customer-activities. (+ wo klicken)

The customer can always deactivate this for themselves if they choose to.

This additional data includes:

  • Product viewed

  • Product added to cart

  • Order placed

  • Offer: Created, viewed, ..

  • Logged in / out

  • Registered for event

Last updated