How to start the b2b-platform vue.js watcher

As soon as you log in as a customer employee or as a sales agent, the B2B-Platform opens - that's what we call this Vue.js interface.

since B2BsellersCore Version 0.9.4, the password is not longer needed. It is enough to set the email-address of the employee

As soon as you log in as a customer employee, the B2B-Platform opens - that's what we call this Vue-Js interface.

You can extend or overwrite this B2B platform according to your requirements. You can find helpful links here: How to add „Menü Item“ on B2BPlattform

But before you can start developing you have to start the Vue.js Watcher. In your local installation (we recommend DOCKWARE.IO) in the Shopware root folder you can use the following command to start the Vue.js Watcher:

Tip: When executing the watch command, the command goes through all folders and indexes the main.js files. So if you are developing an extension, start the watcher only after creating the main.js file in the "{pluginRoot}/src/Resources/app/b2b_platform/" folder.

Console command:

bin/console b2b:platform:watch <email>

Command example for Henk Becker (Employee at Ektek GmbH - Testdata)

bin/console b2b:platform:watch 

Command example for Markus Bauer (Sales Representative at Shopowner - Testdata)

bin/console b2b:platform:watch

After entering the command you get prompted to select the wanted sales channel and domain (if multiple are available).

Please select a sales channel:
  [0] Storefront | 3599498813f14f1a8abe0deb0e12d18
  [1] Headless | 98432def39fc4624b33213a56b8c944d
Please select a domain:
  [0] http://localhost/de | Deutsch | 9a088b6be800412fb71ca53e96ba7778
  [1] http://localhost | English | 9d6dd97cee0548d99bcafbc65126f46a

The Vue.js watcher starts after the necessary selections and can be opened under the port 9998 or the link http://localhost:9998/b2b_platform/ after being compiled successfully.

  App running at:
  - Public URL: http://localhost:9998/b2b_platform/

  To build for production , run bin/console b2b:platform:build

Last updated

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