Version v0.9.6
Release date: 20.10.2022
Release Notes
Here you'll find our Blog post with detailed description and developer infos: DE => ... or ... EN =>
BCS-986 First admin creation on frontend fails
BCS-835 Sales employee creation in admin
BCS-843 Assigned employees can be removed from a budget
BCS-823 Cart errors are not persisted when the persistant cart functionality is active
BCS-815 Added getter and setter methodes for all Translation Entity Classes
BCS-814 Fixed the variant list pop up bug in grid view on product listing
BCS-812 Unable to change the payment method in the b2b platform
BCS-811 Toggling the employee individual login link doesn't work
BCS-810 Entity translation fields are empty on languages other then the ones that are shipped with B2bSellers
BCS-809 Employee Route Bug
BCS-807 When Express Checkout is turned off, you don't get a notification in the shopping cart to fill the settings.
BCS-805 Exploded View Product Detailpage error "Argument 1 must be of the type string, null given"
BCS-792 The product detail page throws an error of the product already bought subscriber for B2C customers
BCS-791 The platform menu links don't work when logging in with a language other than german
BCS-788 fixed empty selected label at administration on add new customer access to an employee
BCS-787 fix employee autocomplete search in Administration
BCS-784 Provision of property search
BCS-776 fix error on product detail page, if b2b offer is active. config statusIdsWhereProductsCanBeAdded is null
BCS-774 Only show customer in sales agents customer list with same sales-channel
BCS-769 fix failure Mailsender Check at test-data-creation
BCS-768 /account/login can be open, if b2bsellers login screen is active. Now redirected to B2Bsellers Login Screen
BCS-757 show fallback sales representative profile picture if not set
BCS-747 Quick order via CSV file Article summation
BCS-744 Order requests are not automatically ordered but only as soon as the assigned contact person has processed them.
BCS-697 Offer table sorting to newest first
BCS-688 Fixed search for company on sales representative perspective for customer list
BCS-687 Activity product detail modal loading and content adjustments
BCS-686 Customer individual prices dont apply for a quanity of 1
BCS-660 add cart products to order list - not working
BCS-646 From order lists, products can be added to the shopping cart and requested as a quote
BCS-638 If there is no purchase authorization, the system redirects to the dashboard
BCS-608 Provision of several exploded views
BCS-567 Budget order confirmation recipient may be empty.
BCS-458 A bonus is credited directly with an order request
BCS-360 In the bonus program, the bonus is only credited when a certain payment status has been reached.
New Features
BCS-872 Successfully tested on Shopware Version 6.4.16
BCS-801 Added Languages: NL, DK, PL
BCS-366 Share register link on employee creation
BCS-203 new addon: set a discount percentage for individual customers
BCS-750 Account extension - users without admin can view your role
BCS-813 Combining the sales agent customer list endpoints
BCS-797 Add possibility to exclude hard links (controller-names) in closed store
BCS-790 Change Naming from "my collection" to "my ordered assortment" at product-lists
BCS-789 company selection at start vue-watcher
BCS-781 Fix error "undefined array key b2b_platform_access" on checkout order, if customer isn't a b2b customer
BCS-777 show global roles at employee pages in administration
BCS-771 Copper/Brass fehler obwohl in config hinterlegt (emm oder stecker express zu testen)
BCS-770 Reload Admin Page after Addon activate/deactivate, because EntityDefinitions don't update after activate/deactivate
BCS-767 added new column price_lock (default: true) at offer_items, to show open/closed lock at every item
BCS-764 Fix in admin, that the link to the customer in the customer price list works again
BCS-756 show message if no addon config is empty on b2b config page
BCS-755 oppertunity to set perffered customer to null on the profile detail page
BCS-751 Show error message when items cannot be added from the product list to the shopping cart
BCS-746 Display of an error message if there is no sufficient authorization for quick ordering
BCS-745 Optimization of the express checkout order request
BCS-742 Optimized e-mail template for order request
BCS-735 show users list at roles page
BCS-720 delete the bonus in an order repeat
BCS-703 Tracking of the ordered sums on the budget
BCS-701 Multiple budget allocation
BCS-694 Cost centers show orders already placed
BCS-692 The total orders of the cost centers are displayed
BCS-664 Improvments on order list listing page to export products via csv or add to cart
BCS-649 Offer function Product lock only possible after product selection
BCS-606 add an loader icon at contact-selection after select an customer
BCS-573 Refactoring and optimization of the B2bProductLists plugin
BCS-506 The detail buttons of the orders were adapted to mobile for the offer plugin
Last updated
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