Employee budgets

Create and assign a new budget

On the budget overview (Orders > Budgets, /b2b_platform/budgets), click "Create Budget".

In order to create a budget, you need to give it a name, choose a peroid (per order, daily, monthly, per quarter, yearly), set the monetary threshold, select an approval employee (each employee from the company can be chosen). Optionally, you can restrict categories.

A budget will only be used if it's activated.

If a budget has employees assigned, these employees can only buy products with a budget selected during checkout.

Please note that the products are calculated against the budget via net price.

How budgets work during checkout

Until a certain budget is exceeded, the employee can freely buy products in accordance with the configuration.

If a budget is exceeded, the employee cannot purchase any goods and is required to get clearance from the person who is responsible for the budget.

If the employee in question has admin permissions, they can always buy products, and are not required to selected a budget, even if they have budgets assigned.

Time Period Definition

The time intervals for budgeting are defined as follows:

  • Daily -> daily from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

  • Per Quarter -> January to March / April to June / July to September / October to December

  • Montly -> 01.xx - last day of the month (28./29./30./31)

  • Annual -> 01.01 - 31.12

The intervals are stored in the Shopware Core database table scheduled_task.

Errors / It's not loading

Please try clearning the shop cache serverside/inside the admin after activating the addon.

Last updated