Navigating the Sales Representative Portal

The sales representative (later refered to as: sales rep) portal is main dashboard for all sales reps, and a login destination.

This page can be customized by the shop owner, so its contents might be different than what is shown on this help page.

Accessing the Sales Rep Portal

By default login setting, sales reps will always arrive on this page after logging into their account. Note that this is a preference that can be customized by the shop owner and for each individual account.

If you prefer to navigate via URL, your-shop.domain/b2b_platform will lead to the sales rep portal.

While using B2Bsellers functionality, you can always return to this page by clicking Dashboard, located in your account menu or on the navigation bar.

Accessing Functionality Linked From the Sales Rep Portal

Note that the navigation bar can be fully customized by the shop owner and your shop's navigation bar might differ from this example.

Customer List

The customer list is the gateway to log into your shop's customers, in order to perform actions as the customer.

Additionally, you can also directly start drafting a new offer for the customer by clicking "new offer", which will take you to a new page.

Logging Into a Customer

There are two buttons on the right inside the "Actions" column. One is the offer button, and the other one is for logging into a customer.

If you cannot log into a customer, because they are a B2C customer, this is indicated by this icon and a popup:

After clicking the login button, a new modal will appear prompting you to select which employee to log into.

In this new modal, you will see all employees associated with the customer, along with some details for each employee:

  • Their full name

  • Their assigned role

  • Their email

  • The headphone & phone icon lead you directly to a tel: prompt, allowing you to quickly call the person if they provided their phone number.

To proceed logging into a customer, click the button on the right of the employee's name.

You can also create new employees from this view, which opens a modal, and functions exactly like [insert link to help page about creating new employee on customer portal].

Using the Shop As a Customer

After successfully logging into a customer as sales rep, you will notice a new bar ontop of the page:

This bar indicates that you are logged in as a customer's employee, along with the information as which employee you are logged in.

From here on out, you can perform actions as the employee in their name, including the purchase of goods for them.

Logging Out of an Employee

In order to log out of an emplyoee, click the button on the top right that says "Back to Customer Selection"


The order view at /b2b_platform/sales-order allows you to see all orders placed by the customers visible to the current sales rep.

You can use the magnifier icon to get more information about the particular order, or click the arrow to show some basic information about the order.

If you want to unfold all items on the page at once, click on "Show products" located next to the search field above the table.

Fast Order

Fast order allows you to place an order for a selected customer without having to log in as them first.

Start by selecting your customer where it says "Search customer...". You will then be prompted to select an employee.

You can ignore the first Street and Postal code & city boxes.

Next, select a billing address. Choose one from the list of addresses attached to the customerto have it fill all fields automatically.

By default, the same address will also be used for shipping. If you do not want this, and have a separate shipping address, uncheck the box next to "Identical to billing address". You will be able to enter a custom address or choose one from the list.

Next, under "Items", you can add products. In the search box below "Product no.", you can select products by name or their product number.

By clicking the lock icon next to unit price, you can adjust the pricing to something custom, e.g. if you would like to offer a dicount.

Once you have configured the product you'd like to add, click the green icon on the right. You can still modify amount and price afterwards if you like.

Items are only added to the list if you click the green "+" icon!

You can add more items or proceed with verifying the shipping method and payment methods on the bottom left.

If you like to overwrite the shipping cost, you can do so by clicking the lock icon on the right and then adjusting the delivery cost.

Click on "submit order" to place the order for the customer.


Offers allow your sales reps to create custom offers that can be sent to customers.

The overview shows you all existing offers (if you are a supervisor) and only offers you created (if you are not a supervisor).

To view an existing offer, click the magnifier icon on the right of the respective offer.

To create a new offer, click "Create new offer" on top right.

In order to learn more about how offer creation and processing works, see the following pages:

  • Generating an offer as a customer

  • Processing an offer as a sales rep (generated by a customer)

  • Creating a new offer as a sales rep

Event Manager

In order to learn more about the event manager, see this page: Event-Manager


The statistics page shows you information about your total performance, and can be filtered by customer.


User Sessions

To learn more about user sessions, see this page: LINK

Customer Activity

The customer activity page shows you all information about the actions that customers and employees have performed on the shop, if they have allowed their activity to be tracked.

This is only applicable if the show has enabled the setting "Track customer activity" in Core Settings

Customers can decide in their account settings whether they allow the collection of this data. If they choose to not allow it, their activity will not appear on this list.

You also have the option to export the activity as a CSV file, by clicking the icon next to the heading on top:

After confirming your time selection, you will be prompted to save the CSV on your system.

The export takes your current table filters into account. If your CSV exports empty, please try different filters or date ranges.

The headers of the exported CSV are as follows:


Connect App

To learn more about the sales portal app, see this page: Mobile sales portal (app)

Sales Representatives

This page is listing all sales representatives, along with the information whether they are active or inactive.

Personal Settings

This page allows you to change your password and adjust other details.

Last updated