Translation of B2Bsellers-Specific Features

If adapting your shop for a language not fully maintained by B2Bsellers, translating yourself can be done easily.

For the most part, translating B2Bsellers is done via text snippets, however you want to review some additional places, such as mail templates, or specific translation tables. In this help page you will learn where to find all of them.

You might need help from an eningeer for some of these.

General Notes

Occasionally we are updating select snippits to address bug reports. We recommend comparing your text with what's changed in the versions between your current one and the one you're intending to upgrade to.


Snippets are located in the standard shopware location.

We recommend the following approach:

  • Start by verifying translations with the filter "B2BSellers GmbH"

  • Continue by searching for "B2b" with no filters on.

  • Continue by searching for "customFields" with no filters on.

Depending on what addons you're using, you can search for their route name as well to limit search results.

Email Templates

B2Bsellers adds a few email templates that you want to review to the standard shopware location.

Translation Tables (Database)

Translation tables are located within the database, and follow standard Shopware logic. These tables are used to localize a few key select strings that are not found in snippets.

This is where you might want to consult an engineer, as you're about to make changes to the database of your shop.

We will be using the Offer Function as an example here.

  1. Access your shop's database.

  2. Select table language

  3. Find the language you want to translate (e.g. Nederlands)

  4. Copy value from id column

  5. Select table b2bsellers_offer_status_translation

  6. Search for the id you obtained from the language table in the column language_id

    1. e.g. SELECT *, HEX(`b2bsellers_offer_status_id`) AS `b2bsellers_offer_status_id`, HEX(`language_id`) AS `language_id` FROM `b2bsellers_offer_status_translation` WHERE `language_id` = UNHEX('018F720783A673C0A309197FB89E9E46') LIMIT 50

  7. You can see all items that can be translated for the given language in the given table.

  8. Edit the row(s) you intend to change, and change the label.

To find all available translation tables to review, search for _translation in your database tables.


  • I can't find where to translate __

    • Try exploring the above mentioned places. If you do not find the string in question in the snippets, the email templates nor the translation tables, please reach out to B2Bsellers Support to create a bug report.

Last updated