Version v1.0.4

Release date: 03.05.2023

Release Notes

Here you'll find our Blog post with detailed description and developer infos: DE => ... or ... EN =>

Issues BCS-1224 Sucessfully tested with Shopware BCS-1243 Created an exception if no B2BPlatform menu is stored in the core settings. BCS-1239 New minimum Shopware Version in Composer set to 6.4.20 BCS-1241 Added alert for "Send Welcome Mail with Password activation" on employee detail when employee has no assigned customers and disable action button BCS-1256 Criteria improvements for SalesRepresentativeRoute BCS-1257 Added ActivateB2bSellersAddonEvent/DeactivateB2bSellersAddonEvent to the addon/feature toggling BCS-1259 Removed node_modules from custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore/src/Resources/app/administration BCS-1088 Added Presettings for B2Bsellers Suite config fields

New Features BCS-1095 Time limited customised prices added BCS-1163 add "clear all filters" to vue.js b2b-platform table component if filtered and 0 results BCS-1209 Splitted global and customer specific roles in B2BPlattform - Storefront BCS-1215 Added all B2Bsellers Suite Entity Custom Fields into Admin > Settings > Custom Field > Assign to Entity BCS-1228 Added contact details of employees on sales rep. overview BCS-1230 Created Store-API for Variant-List data to product detail page, replaced in ProductListSubscriber.php

Bugs BCS-1169 Fixed price recalculation of manuall changed prices from private to business view (Gross/Net) BCS-1221 Fixed the bonus credit is not deducted after redeeming BCS-1222 Fixed creation of orderlists method type private BCS-1223 Fixed login into preferred company with individual login link BCS-1225 Fixed error message on csv fast order BCS-1226 Fixed order list widget on Cockpit when function is disabled BCS-1229 Fixed required field currency at customer specific prices BCS-1231 Fixed "display error" in company selection when the customer's company name is empty BCS-1233 Fixed redirect of account activation page on ResponseSubscriber by refactoring whitelists BCS-1238 Fixed pricefilter option was not hidden with disabled priceview BCS-1240 Added employee permission group + translation table to uninstall method of B2bSellersCore.php BCS-1242 Fixed attached trade confirmation on registration form was not submitted by mail BCS-1245 Fixed issue that you can log in as B2B Customer, although there are employees. BCS-1248 Fixed dump in OrderStateChangedSubscriber.php BCS-1249 Fixed order list item calculation over whole assortment when no item is in the order list BCS-1251 Fixed redirect on closed shops and 404 handling on failure BCS-1258 Fixed that employee can edit addresses although the role does not allow it BCS-1252 Fixed criteria to show correct order lists

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