Version v1.1.1
Release date: 03.07.2023
Release Notes
Here you'll find our Blog post with detailed description and developer infos: DE => ... or ... EN =>
Issues BCS-1278 Add Fallback translation if language value isn’t set BCS-869 Added command to reinstall or overwrite email templates BCS-1078 now all js files of the addons are built at the b2b:platform:build, before only the active addons were built. In the UI only the active addon js \(Storefront/Admin/B2B-Platform\) are loaded. BCS-1179 Event Items available for clearance requests BCS-1232 Splitted the AbstractEmployeeRoute to seperate „Invite“ and „Export“ Routes BCS-1236 Added admin config for „The following status influence the number of participants“ BCS-1196 Improved participant details BCS-1260 Replace to customer.displayName and added EntityExtension for displayName BCS-1303 in the „b2b:platform:build“ command check if the build process was successful, otherwise return 1, so that CI pipelines can react to it BCS-1311 Added PlatformProductSearchCriteriaEvent to the PlatformProductSearchRoute BCS-1330 Added ApiAware flag to the Id field of the B2bProductListTypeDefinition BCS-1352 Moved Event article fields from B2B Specifications to Shopware standard custom fields BCS-698 Added a „price changed“ badge to customer cart when proce was adjusted by salerep BCS-740 Added information of the employee, who added the product to the cart BCS-1121 Added Waiting list function for the Event manager BCS-1198 Added customer specific caching for system relevant routes BCS-1279 Added location on Event Detail Page BCS-1287 Added recipient information to orders for status update emails BCS-1288 Added employee name to orders BCS-1293 Added Eventname to the appointment overview BCS-1091 Added CSV upload to orderlists
New Features BCS-698 Added a "price changed" badge to customer cart when proce was adjusted by salerep BCS-740 Added information of the employee, who added the product to the cart BCS-1121 Added Waiting list function for the Event manager BCS-1198 Added customer specific caching for system relevant routes BCS-1279 Added location on Event Detail Page BCS-1287 Added recipient information to orders for status update emails BCS-1288 Added employee name to orders BCS-1293 Added Eventname to the appointment overview BCS-1091 Added CSV upload to orderlists
Bugs BCS-736 Fixed locale dependent platform datetime spelling BCS-1103 Fixed Abo-Items in customer cart salerep view and offer functions BCS-1118 Fixed gross/net price on orderlist view BCS-1176 Fixed handling for orderlist and offers when a product is deleted BCS-1213 Fixed that the b2b:platform:watch gave a header error when a closed store is selected in the plugin config. BCS-1238 Fixed pricefilter option was not hidden with disabled priceview BCS-1265 Fixed customer specific prices – validation of price field typ – working without from – to range again BCS-1271 Fixed LineItemCommentSubscriber for console handling BCS-1281 Fixed bug when during login the employee isn’t a admin and has no role BCS-1286 Fixed event registration with full occupancy and booking in the shopping cart BCS-1289 Fixed lineItem handling with additional pseudo product plugin BCS-1292 Fixed custom field filters for activity log BCS-1294 Fixed calculation of total offer sum when subscription Items are added BCS-1295 Fixed deprecated LoginAsCustomer method BCS-1296 Removed „footer.serviceHotline“ Snippet BCS-1297 Fixed only sales channel specific customers on offer creation BCS-1299 Fixed advanced pricing won’t show on search results with a single product as search result BCS-1300 Fixed 404 redirect on not existing url call BCS-1301 Fixed error message on B2Bsellers closed shop login form BCS-1304 Fixed error message on profile page password change BCS-1305 Fixed password reset link in mail on salesChannel base BCS-1306 Fixed missing margin when creating the offer as a sales representative. BCS-1308 Fixed missing theme snippets in the snippet route BCS-1309 Fixed locale dependent platform currency spelling BCS-1312 Fixed problem with creating a orderlist from the PDP BCS-1322 Fixed local dependent datetime spelling on the PDP BCS-1323 Fixed swapped language DK and PL in Migration BCS-1325 Fixed item limit of 100 countrys at offers and addresses dropdowns BCS-1326 Fixed missing translation in B2B Platform Menu BCS-1328 Fixed missing translation for „Opt.“ at offer-item-list/template.html.twig BCS-1331 Fixed category extension for the cms page in the CategoryRouteDecorator BCS-1332 Fixed problems when adding a product to a orderlist fails on orderlist creation from the PDP or category view BCS-1337 Fixed Update error on V1.1.0 when language is missing BCS-1340 Fixed only statistics and activitys from assigned customers is visible for sales representive in his dashboard BCS-1345 Fixed category menu level settings when logged in into B2Bsellers Suite
Last updated
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