Adding or removing intervals
Subscription intervals can be added or removed via an event subscriber that listens to the DeliveryIntervalCollectorEvent
Copy // <plugin root>/src/Subscriber/DeliveryIntervalSubscriber.php
namespace B2bSellersExample \ Subscriber ;
use Shopware \ Core \ Framework \ DataAbstractionLayer \ Event \ EntityLoadedEvent ;
use Symfony \ Component \ EventDispatcher \ EventSubscriberInterface ;
use B2bProductSubscription \ Components \ ProductSubscription \ Events \ DeliveryIntervalCollectorEvent ;
use Symfony \ Contracts \ Translation \ TranslatorInterface ;
class DeliveryIntervalSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public function __construct (
private readonly TranslatorInterface $translator
public static function getSubscribedEvents () : array
return [
DeliveryIntervalCollectorEvent ::class=> 'onChangeDeliveryIntervals'
public function onChangeDeliveryIntervals ( DeliveryIntervalCollectorEvent $event)
$collection = $event -> getCollection () ;
// removing the weekly interval option
$collection -> remove ( 'weekly' ) ;
// Adding your custom interval
$key = 'custom' ;
$collection -> set ( $key , new DeliveryIntervalStruct (
$key ,
$this -> translator -> trans ( 'b2bProductSubscription.interval.' . $key ),
'b2bProductSubscription.interval.' . $key
) ) ;
Providing a processor for custom intervals
If you add a new subscription interval, a corresponding processor for calculating the next delivery/order date must also be available.
Copy // <plugin root>/src/ProductSubscription/DeliveryInterval/Processor/CustomIntervalProcessor .php
namespace B2bSellersExample \ ProductSubscription \ DeliveryInterval \ Processor ;
class CustomIntervalProcessor implements IntervalProcessorInterface
public const DELIVERY_KEY = 'custom' ;
public function isSupported ( string $key)
return self:: DELIVERY_KEY === $key;
public function process ( \ DateTimeInterface $lastOrderDate , ? \ DateTimeInterface $result)
$dateTime = new \ DateTime ($lastOrderDate -> format ( 'Y-m-d' ) );
// Calculate your next delivery/order date
// Example: $dateTime->add(new \DateInterval('P5M'));
return $dateTime;
Copy <!-- <plugin root>/src/Resources/config/services.xml -->
<? xml version = "1.0" ?>
< container xmlns = ""
xmlns : xsi = ""
xsi : schemaLocation = "" >
< services >
< service id = "B2bSellersExample\ProductSubscription\DeliveryInterval\Processor\CustomIntervalProcessor" >
< tag name = "b2b_product_subscription.interval.processor" />
</ service >
</ services >
</ container >