Installing the B2B Platform
Install via composer
You will receive the private composer access data by sending a request to
I have not set up my access on packagist yet.
Open and log in with the token you received. Perform the following two steps:
Add the custom repository to the composer.json
Enter your auth-token
Now that you're set, continue.
I already have set up my access on packagist.
run "composer require b2b-sellers/core"
run in console "
bin/console plugin:refresh &&
bin/console plugin:install -ac b2bsellerscore"Run following commands: bin/console b2b:platform:build bash ./bin/ bash ./bin/
bin/console cache:clear
Install via ZIP file
Start by downloading a ZIP file from
Choose option 1 (extension menu) or option 2 (SSH):
via Shopware's extension menu
Go to the admin of your shop and find Extensions.
Upload the ZIP file like any other extension.
After upload, click install.
B2Bsellers Suite is now installed / updated.
via SSH
Upload files to custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore
install and activate the Plugin at the Shopware Backend
Or run in console
bin/console plugin:refresh && bin/console plugin:install b2bsellerscore && bin/console plugin:activate b2bsellerscore
switch to console and run command
bin/console b2b:platform:build
at root directory (Normally not necessary if you have received a ZIP file)run
bin/console cache:clear
Use the demo data
=> Do you want to install test / demo data (customers, employees, sales staff and test products)? Then click on the following link
Use Test-CustomersInfo: we recommend the install over the cli, not over the shopware backend - sometimes there are errors
first, you have to install the "B2Bsellers Core" Plugin.
Install-Script for all B2Bsellers Suite Plugins
We recommend to use our script to install all B2Bsellers Plugins within one command. You can change all used plugins...
Important: With every activation/deactivation of the addons the Javascript and the CSS must be built afterwards.
Because all addons are "Symfony bundles", it is necessary to execute the following commands after each addon activation/deactivation:
bin/console b2b:platform:build
bash bin/
bash bin/
Change the plugin configuration (admin api and store api credentials are needed)
Add emails to the following "business events": account_activation.send and account_request.send
Flag for sending welcome mail via api (customer create + update) -> _sendWelcomeMail
Console commands
5.1 Entity Mapping Command (CustomerPrices):
bin/console b2b:entity:map
5.2 Platform watch command
bin/console b2b:platform:watch <user>
Customer/Employee E-Mail
Customer/Employee password
Sales Agent: bin/console b2b:platform:watch
Customer-Employee bin/console b2b:platform:watch b2bsellers
Last updated
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