Version v3.0.2

Release Notes - B2B Sellers CORE - 3.0.2


  • BCS-1862 Fixed Compatibility with SwagCommercial in fast order view


  • BCS-1586 Fixed wrong customer group in the currentCustomerGroup of the context in virtual carts

  • BCS-1662 Fixed Registration Double Optin causes broken login

  • BCS-1663 Fixed GenericPageLoader used instead of GenericPageLoaderInterface breaks Service Decorator Support

  • BCS-1684 Fixed Calendar adjusts to selected user langauge

  • BCS-1734 Fixed Product Quicksearch product quantity-related issues

  • BCS-1817 Fixed Can't complete employee registration if started via link

  • BCS-1823 Fixed Setting employees to inactive makes them disappear entirely

  • BCS-1828 Fixed ZIP code required in some places where Shopware doesn't require it anymore

  • BCS-1838 Fixed max. Discount on product level

  • BCS-1845 Fixed OCI checkout form element not closed correctly

  • BCS-1849 Fixed Cart not emptied after offer has been submitted

  • BCS-1852 Fixed Payment option restriction conditions ignored in customer payment settings

  • BCS-1854 Fixed Service Team fallback image hardcoded

  • BCS-1857 Fixed type of b2b_price_at_product custom field

  • BCS-1858 Fixed Order list not displaying current order status

  • BCS-1866 Fixed Clicking more information link on individual login option activates/deactivates option

  • BCS-1869 Fixed Some sorting options in employee overview don't work correctly

  • BCS-1880 Fixed Address Custom Fields are discarded in fast order

  • BCS-1900 Fixed customer selection on employee base in the administration when custom field b2b_sales_representative is not set

Last updated