Version v3.1.5
Release Notes - B2B Sellers CORE - Version v3.1.5
Shopware or above is required to install this version
BCS-2159 Increase minimum compatibility version to Shopware
BCS-1466 Fixed - Discount LineItem in offer function
BCS-1578 Fixed order request link in the email template
BCS-1713 Fixed Password activation mail not using correct language
BCS-1871 Fixed TypeHint for ProductListingLoader in ProductListingRoute
BCS-1992 Fixed Exploded view requires multiple images in order to work
BCS-2026 Fixed Gross sum not updating for fast order as a sales rep if shipping cost is adjusted
BCS-2032 Fixed Customer activity omitting company name
BCS-2033 Fixed Customer activity CSV export listing Reference twice
BCS-2043 Fixed Button "view file" in documents modal on orders cut off in non-English localization
BCS-2054 Fixed While logged into an employee as a sales rep, you can see all roles from all customers and edit them
BCS-2068 Fixed Localization error in employee creation for German
BCS-2069 Fixed Localization error for accountActivation.invalidHash EN
BCS-2108 Fixed Error when having custom pricing while country is set to be tax-free
BCS-2112 Fixed All properties are missing on PDP that use a property belonging to a property sets and no property without property set connection is used
BCS-2117 Fixed Block options for "Dashboard-Buttons" in admin on product layout tab has no options
BCS-2128 Fixed Tracking numbers in orders modal missing separator
BCS-2130 Updated sorting order for sales rep orders and statistics to Date DESC
BCS-2131 Fixed Cannot see media options while configuring a dashboard button
BCS-2157 Fixed Using individual shipping address in sales rep fast order is saving unintended values
Last updated
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