Version v0.9.5

Release date: 18.08.2022

Release Notes

Here you'll find our Blog post with detailed description and developer infos: DE => ... or ... EN =>


BCS-765 at sales portal, show net prices no matter what customer group settings + adjustment pricelist with customer specific prices + follow customer group when calculating prices of quotations and SalesRep Fast Order

BCS-759 show category specific property column

BCS-758 Error at category list view - The block 'component_b2blist_box_variants_button_container_buy_form' has already been defined line 144.

BCS-741 Employee role changes

BCS-733 Fixed bug where a sales representative as supervisor could not see all customers

BCS-716 Missing translation for "Bestellung freigeben lassen?" at express-checkout

BCS-704 Fixed fetching order data on open order modal

BCS-690 Express purchase can be closed in the shopping cart

BCS-667 fixed TypeError at ConsumerViewController

BCS-666 Unit price accepts price from user input + improvements on lock state for items

BCS-657 Repeat order at the express-Checkout

BCS-655 Express Checkout opens twice

BCS-653 Register request mail arrived

BCS-652 Price of accessories item is displayed

BCS-651 Price at the spare parts of an exploded view are displayed

BCS-617 After uninstall the B2bUrlAuthentication plugin, it is not possible to reinstall

BCS-609 The explosion graphic is played out in the largest possible size

BCS-566 Order releases are now only displayed on a company-specific basis

BCS-519 In the offer plugin, the subtotals are now updated when you mark optional items.

New Features

BCS-208 Beta-Version for Sales Representative Fast Order (Inside sales Order)

BCS-180 Provide a custom order API endpoint for simpler order importing

Integration B2bEventArticle, B2bSpareParts, B2bProductSubscription, B2bPDPVariantlist, B2bOffer , B2bEmployeeBudgets, cost centers, url authentication, bonus program, product request plugin into B2BsellersCore


BCS-732 Enable Keyboard actions (up/down) on select-options result (vue.js)

BCS-731 Successfully tested on Shopware Version 6.4.14

BCS-729 Improvements on employee list (visible inactive company names + show role name with restriction description tooltip)

BCS-726 Enable fast order via CSV (bugfix)

BCS-717 Bonus program is displayed only to those who have the "Show bonus program" permission for it.

BCS-709 Sales representative has access to his personal settings

BCS-706 Product requests customization that no price is displayed as default

BCS-699 Clear cache after toggling a feature/addon on b2b settings

BCS-685 Add field for dynamic features/addons and technical name to the b2b platform menu

BCS-675 Integrate all additional license plugins into B2BsellersCore (addon)

BCS-663 add landingpage-template for login and registration, if the shop is an closed shop

BCS-618 Visual representation of offer items with negative stock level

BCS-582 Disable Prices on Offcanvas Cart and Cart Page + rename "consumer view " to "disable prices"

BCS-565 Dynamically hide and block fields being edited based on context in the store api (field flags)

BCS-544 Provide a B2Bsellers settings page for features, addons, plugin settings and license settings

BCS-511 The budget buttons were better displayed mobile

BCS-476 Add function that ordered items are not available if desired.

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